Miss Heckman
6th Grade Teacher
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School
2024-2025 Middle School Supplies List
General Supplies Needed:
#2 pencils with personal pencil sharpener or lead pencils
Permanent Marker in blue/black ink
2 Black Expo White Board Markers
2 Highlighters (any color)
Coloring Markers
Colored pencils /crayons
Glue (sticks)
6 book covers/book socks
1 set of earbuds for all classes
Water bottle
Donation of 1 boxes of tissues and Clorox Disinfecting wipes
Subject Supplies:
2 inch wide (minimum size suggested) 3- ring binder in any color for multiple classes (no
accordion binders)
Loose- leaf paper (wide or college ruled)
8 binder dividers/tabs
Hole reinforcements
1 Single - Subject blue notebook for English writing journal for 7th graders
*Binder materials are graded in multiple subjects.*
1 Single-Subject Notebook
1 Folder
>>We encourage students to use a binder in middle school for multiple subjects to keep materials
organized and in one place. Binder materials are graded in multiple classes. Please restock supplies as
needed throughout the school year. >>
Thank you,
The Middle School Department